Our History

KADI’s inception was in response to the Kenyan community in Australia’s need to take ownership of their investment pathway in an organized, compliant, and professional way back in Kenya. This was largely informed by the conman ship, loss of money and financial mismanagement experiences by those entrusted by us back home to undertake the investments on our behalf i.e. relatives, friends, business counterparts etc.

0 Members

Conceptualized under the leadership of Kitwek Association Incorporated, a not-for-profit cultural organization registered in Western Australia 125 founding members registered.

125 Members

Registered and licensed by the State Department for Cooperatives. Held founding AGM in August 2020

158 Members

Completed policy framework development with member training and became operational.

+200 Members

Published 1st audited results for FY2021 and adopted at AGM Partnership engagement with Kenyan service providers in banking and land acquisition.
2023 - 2030

2000 Members

Product conceptualization, rollout, and active Investment phased out in stages Portfolio diversification and growth.

KADI Co-operative Society has over 3 years of experience, we’ll ensure you always get the best financial guidance.