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Investors are unique players in the growth process of a business. The level and quality of their involvement can ultimately help determine a company’s success or failure.

It is imperative for budding entrepreneurs to take the time to learn about the types of investors available and how to use best practices when approaching them for funds.

5 types of investors

Investors can be called upon during almost any stage in the life of a startup. Below are five of the most common types of investors, as well as recommendations for when they should be considered.


Saccos are a classic source for business loans, Inc. explains. Loan-seekers will usually be required to produce proof of collateral or a revenue stream before their loan application is approved. Because of this, saccos and banks are often a better option for more established businesses.

2. Angel investors

Angel investors are individuals with an medium earned income that exceeds ksh 50,000 or who have a net worth of more than ksh 200,000. They are found across all works of life and are useful for entrepreneurs who are beyond the seed stages of financing but are not yet ready to seek out venture capital.

3. Peer-to-peer lenders

Peer-to-peer lenders are individuals or groups that offer funding to small business owners, Time reports. To work with these investors, entrepreneurs must apply with companies that specialize in peer-to-peer lending, such as Prosper or Lending Club.

4. Venture capitalists

Venture capitalists are used only after a business begins to show a significant amount of revenue. These investors are notable, as they usually invest a substantial amount of money (often around ksh1 million). They gain most of their returns through “carried interest,” or a percentage received as compensation from the profits of a hedge fund or private equity.

5. Personal investors

Business owners often rely on family, friends or close acquaintances to invest in their investment or  companies, particularly in the beginning. However, there is a limit to how many of these individuals can invest in startups because of legal limitations, Legal Zoom explains. While it may be easy to convince loved ones to help, thorough documentation.

Understanding the different investment options you have

When trying to begin a budinessor  company, entrepreneurs can acquire capital through means other than investors, Personal savings and personal borrowing are two common avenues of doing so.

Personal savings generally come in two forms: cash and cash-equivalent savings, and retirement accounts for retireees. Using your personal savings can be useful. The required money is already on hand, and there is no need to go into debt to obtain it. However, the personal savings option may also be a difficult avenue to pursue. Quite often, entrepreneurs seek out investors in the first place because their personal savings simply aren’t substantial enough for their needs. It is also personally difficult for many people to gamble with money they may later need for other purposes, such as retirement, college funds for their children or personal debts.

Personal borrowing is useful for entrepreneurs with particularly strong credit scores  and a high personal net worth. To obtain capital for their new business, these individuals may take out a personal loan or apply for a new credit card. The risk (as with borrowing of any type) is the possibility of falling behind on payments, lowering your credit score and sinking further into debt.

Decide what you want from your investors

Choosing an investor is about more than simply trying to acquire funds. It also implies a certain level of commitment. You should take stock of the expertise you need and the expectations you have before deciding to approach a particular investor, according to Entrepreneur. When it comes to potential investors, you should consider their recent dealings, the services they might provide, the expectations they have for company leaders and how involved they want to be in company operations.

Know where to look

Although finding investors may seem daunting, it only requires searching in the right place. You need to understand Angel Capital Association or Angels Den to get started. Self-promotion also helps. Writing blog posts, networking and participating in community business activities can result in investors going after entrepreneurs instead.

Create an investor shortlist

To improve your chances of gaining funds, you should narrow down your list of potential investment to only those who seem appropriate. Criteria for you, this list can be items such as the investor’s previous partnerships, reputation or any mutual connections. The list should include around 30 to 50 names, which you can put into a spreadsheet with other relevant information for easy reference.

Look at your networks

Investors are looking to reduce risk, which means they are more likely to have interest if they know you or if you have been highly recommended. Examine your professional networks to comb for potential connections with the investors in question and carefully consider the right person to help make introductions.

Perfect your pitch

Once you have an investor’s attention, a sales pitch is your chance to clinch the deal. It (literally) pays to prepare. Think of the selling points that speak best to the unique audience you’re approaching. Create a “hook” at the beginning of your pitch and make sure it leads into a discussion of how your product or service will solve a problem. It’s also important to have a clear business plan and discuss how the investor will profit.

Ultimately, entrepreneurs who take the time to find investors tailored to their specific financial and operational needs will build the foundation needed for a long and successful partners.